Package-level declarations


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abstract class Drop(val rarity: DropRarity, val chance: Double, val item: Identifier, var amount: IntRange) : Chance
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open class DropRarity(val broadcast: Boolean, val rarity: Int, val greet: Boolean = false, val name: String? = null, val odds: String = "<green>Guaranteed")
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class LootPool
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class LootPoolBuilder(drops: MutableList<Drop> = mutableListOf())
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class MacrocosmDrop(val item: Identifier, val rarity: DropRarity, val chance: Double, var amount: IntRange = 1..1) : Drop
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class VanillaDrop(material: Material, var amount: IntRange, val rarity: DropRarity, val chance: Double) : Drop


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fun custom(item: MacrocosmItem, rarity: DropRarity, chance: Double, amount: IntRange = 1..1): MacrocosmDrop
fun custom(item: Identifier, rarity: DropRarity, chance: Double, amount: IntRange = 1..1): MacrocosmDrop
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fun pet(pet: Pet, rarity: Rarity, dropRarity: DropRarity, chance: Double): MacrocosmDrop
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fun vanilla(material: Material, chance: Double, rarity: DropRarity = DropRarity.COMMON, amount: IntRange = 1..1): VanillaDrop