Package-level declarations


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object CompoundDataType : PersistentDataType<ByteArray, CompoundTag>

A persistent data type that allows you to store NBT compounds inside.

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object Entities
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open class EntityBase(val name: Component, val type: EntityType, val pool: LootPool, val experience: Double, var baseStats: Statistics =, var baseSpecials: SpecialStatistics = SpecialStatistics(), var mainHand: MacrocosmItem? = null, var offHand: MacrocosmItem? = null, var helmet: MacrocosmItem? = null, var chestplate: MacrocosmItem? = null, var leggings: MacrocosmItem? = null, var boots: MacrocosmItem? = null, disguiseSkin: String? = null, sounds: EntitySoundBank? = null, val rewardingSkill: SkillType = SkillType.COMBAT, val playerFriendly: Boolean = false, val disguiseProfile: WrappedGameProfile? = null) : MacrocosmEntity
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interface MacrocosmEntity : Listener
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fun dropsFromType(ty: EntityType): List<Drop>
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fun equipment(entity: UUID, slot: EquipmentSlot): EquipmentDelegate
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fun levelFromStats(stats: Statistics, extraWeight: Float = 0.0f): Int
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fun Entity.loadNbt(nbt: CompoundTag)
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fun nameMm(comp: Component): String
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fun raycast(from: LivingEntity, distance: Int): Location
fun raycast(from: Location, direction: Vector, distance: Int): Location
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fun Entity.readNbt(): CompoundTag
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fun textureProfile(value: String, signature: String): WrappedGameProfile


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val LivingEntity.macrocosm: MacrocosmEntity?