
class PageBuilder(page: UIPage)(source)


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constructor(page: UIPage)


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inline fun UIClickData.animate(handler: AnimationBuilder.() -> Unit)
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fun background(space: ComponentSpace = Slot.All)
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fun button(space: ComponentSpace, icon: () -> ItemStack, handler: (UIClickData) -> Unit)
fun button(space: ComponentSpace, display: ItemStack, handler: (UIClickData) -> Unit)
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fun changePage(space: ComponentSpace, to: Int)
fun changePage(space: ComponentSpace, to: Int, item: () -> ItemStack)
fun changePage(space: ComponentSpace, to: Int, item: ItemStack)
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fun close(space: ComponentSpace = Slot.RowLastSlotFive, item: ItemStack = ItemValue.placeholder(Material.BARRIER, "<red>Close"))
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fun <V> compound(space: ComponentSpace, values: () -> List<V>, icon: (V) -> ItemStack, handler: (UIClickData, V) -> Unit): CompoundComponent<V>
fun <V> compound(space: ComponentSpace, values: Iterable<V>, icon: (V) -> ItemStack, handler: (UIClickData, V) -> Unit): CompoundComponent<V>
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fun compoundScroll(space: ComponentSpace, compound: CompoundComponent<*>, amount: Int = 1, reverse: Boolean = false, display: ItemStack = ItemValue.placeholderDescripted( Material.ARROW, if (!reverse) "<green>Scroll Forward" else "<red>Scroll Backward", "<blue>$amount times" ))
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fun compoundWidthScroll(space: ComponentSpace, compound: CompoundComponent<*>, reverse: Boolean = false, display: ItemStack = ItemValue.placeholder( Material.ARROW, if (!reverse) "<green>Scroll Forward" else "<red>Scroll Backward" ))
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fun goBack(space: ComponentSpace, delegated: MacrocosmUI)
fun goBack(space: ComponentSpace, lazy: () -> MacrocosmUI, title: String = lazy().title.str())
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infix fun Slot.lin(other: Slot): ComponentSpace
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fun placeholder(space: ComponentSpace, item: ItemStack)
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infix fun Slot.rect(other: Slot): ComponentSpace
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fun storageSlot(space: ComponentSpace, fits: (ItemStack) -> Boolean = { true }, onPut: (UIClickData, ItemStack) -> Unit = { _, _ -> }, onTake: (UIClickData, ItemStack) -> Unit = { _, _ -> }): StorageComponent
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fun switchUi(space: ComponentSpace, lazy: () -> MacrocosmUI, icon: () -> ItemStack)
fun switchUi(space: ComponentSpace, lazy: () -> MacrocosmUI, display: ItemStack)
fun switchUi(space: ComponentSpace, ui: String, icon: () -> ItemStack)
fun switchUi(space: ComponentSpace, ui: String, display: ItemStack)
fun switchUi(space: ComponentSpace, ui: MacrocosmUI, icon: () -> ItemStack)
fun switchUi(space: ComponentSpace, ui: MacrocosmUI, display: ItemStack)
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fun <V> transparentCompound(space: ComponentSpace, values: () -> List<V>, icon: (V) -> ItemStack, handler: (UIClickData, V) -> Unit): CompoundComponent<V>
fun <V> transparentCompound(space: ComponentSpace, values: Iterable<V>, icon: (V) -> ItemStack, handler: (UIClickData, V) -> Unit): CompoundComponent<V>