Package-level declarations


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class AbilityCostApplyEvent(val player: MacrocosmPlayer, var mana: Number, var health: Int, var cooldown: Float, var summonDifficulty: Int) : Event
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class BlockDropItemsEvent(val player: MacrocosmPlayer, val block: Block, var pool: LootPool) : Event, Cancellable
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class CostCompileEvent(val player: MacrocosmPlayer?, val item: MacrocosmItem, var cost: AbilityCost?) : Event
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class EnchantCalculateStatsEvent(val player: MacrocosmPlayer?, val enchant: Enchantment, var stats: Statistics) : Event
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class EntityActivateFerocityEvent(val damager: Entity, val damaged: LivingEntity) : Event, Cancellable
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class EntityCalculateStatsEvent(val self: MacrocosmEntity, var stats: Statistics) : Event
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class EntityDropItemsEvent(val killer: Entity?, val entity: LivingEntity, var pool: LootPool) : Event, Cancellable
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class ItemCalculateStatsEvent(val player: MacrocosmPlayer?, val item: MacrocosmItem, var stats: Statistics) : Event
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class MineTickEvent(val player: MacrocosmPlayer, val block: Block) : Event
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class PlayerBreakBlockEvent(val player: MacrocosmPlayer, val block: Block) : Event, Cancellable
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class PlayerCalculateStatsEvent(val player: MacrocosmPlayer, var stats: Statistics) : Event
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class PlayerDealDamageEvent(val player: MacrocosmPlayer, val damaged: LivingEntity, var damage: Float, var crit: Boolean, val kind: DamageKind, var isSuperCrit: Boolean = false) : Event, Cancellable
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class PlayerDealMagicDamageEvent(val player: MacrocosmPlayer, val damaged: LivingEntity, var damage: Float) : Event, Cancellable
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class PlayerDeathEvent(val player: MacrocosmPlayer, var source: Component?, var reduceCoins: BigDecimal) : Event, Cancellable
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class PlayerEnterAreaEvent(val player: MacrocosmPlayer, val paper: Player, val newArea: Area, val oldArea: Area, val firstEnter: Boolean) : Event, Cancellable
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class PlayerKillEntityEvent(val player: MacrocosmPlayer, val killed: LivingEntity, var experience: Double) : Event
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data class PlayerLeftClickEvent(val player: MacrocosmPlayer, val item: MacrocosmItem?) : Event
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class PlayerReachGoalEvent(val player: MacrocosmPlayer, val goal: String) : Event
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class PlayerReceiveDamageEvent(val player: MacrocosmPlayer, val damager: LivingEntity, var damage: Float, var crit: Boolean) : Event, Cancellable
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class PlayerReceiveExpEvent(val player: MacrocosmPlayer, var type: SkillType, var amount: Float) : Event, Cancellable
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data class PlayerRightClickEvent(val player: MacrocosmPlayer, val item: MacrocosmItem?) : Event
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data class PlayerSneakEvent(val player: MacrocosmPlayer) : Event
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data class PlayerTickEvent(val player: MacrocosmPlayer) : Event
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data class SeasonChangeEvent(val new: Calendar.Season, val old: Calendar.Season) : Event
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class ServerShutdownEvent : Event
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class StopBreakingBlockEvent(val player: MacrocosmPlayer, val block: Block) : Event
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data class YearChangeEvent(val new: Int, val previous: Int) : Event