
open class UltimateEnchantment(val name: String, description: String, val levels: IntRange, val applicable: List<ItemType>, baseStats: Statistics = Statistics.zero(), baseSpecials: SpecialStatistics = SpecialStatistics(), multiplier: Float = 1.0f, conflicts: List<String> = listOf()) : EnchantmentBase(source)

An ultimate enchantment. In implementation details differs from SimpleEnchantment only by having light purple bold name. All the other logic is hard coded inside the MacrocosmItem



name of the enchantment


description of the enchantment


possible levels of the enchantment


item types this enchantment is applicable to


base statistics that this enchantment applies, excluding the level modifier


base special statistics that this enchantment applies, excluding the level modifier


the multiplier that is applied each level


IDs of enchantments this enchantment conflicts with



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constructor(name: String, description: String, levels: IntRange, applicable: List<ItemType>, baseStats: Statistics = Statistics.zero(), baseSpecials: SpecialStatistics = SpecialStatistics(), multiplier: Float = 1.0f, conflicts: List<String> = listOf())


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open override fun description(level: Int): List<Component>

Provides description for this enchantment

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open fun displayFancy(lore: MutableList<Component>, level: Int)

Adds a fancy display of this enchantment to lore

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open override fun displaySimple(level: Int): Component

Construts a simple display of this enchantment

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open override fun special(level: Int): SpecialStatistics

Special stats this enchantment modifies

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open override fun stats(level: Int, player: MacrocosmPlayer?): Statistics

Stats this enchantment modifies


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open override val applicable: List<ItemType>

Items this enchantment can be applicable to

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open override val conflicts: List<Identifier>

IDs of enchantments this enchantment conflicts with

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open override val levels: IntRange

Possible levels that this enchantment may be applicable to

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open override val name: String

Display name of the enchantment