Package-level declarations

Contains logic related to enchantments


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Enum that contains all default enchant values

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interface Enchantment : Listener

An interface that defines an enchantment

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abstract class EnchantmentBase(val name: String, description: String, val levels: IntRange, val applicable: List<ItemType>, baseStats: Statistics =, baseSpecials: SpecialStatistics = SpecialStatistics(), multiplier: Float = 1.0f, conflicts: List<String> = listOf()) : Enchantment

A base for enchantment. It is recommended to inherit this class instead of implementing raw Enchantment interface

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class SimpleEnchantment(val name: String, description: String, val levels: IntRange, val applicable: List<ItemType>, base: Statistics =, special: SpecialStatistics = SpecialStatistics(), multiplier: Float = 1.0f, conflicts: List<String> = listOf()) : EnchantmentBase

A simple enchantment to avoid unneeded inheritance

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open class UltimateEnchantment(val name: String, description: String, val levels: IntRange, val applicable: List<ItemType>, baseStats: Statistics =, baseSpecials: SpecialStatistics = SpecialStatistics(), multiplier: Float = 1.0f, conflicts: List<String> = listOf()) : EnchantmentBase

An ultimate enchantment. In implementation details differs from SimpleEnchantment only by having light purple bold name. All the other logic is hard coded inside the MacrocosmItem


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fun roman(num: Int): String

Converts an integer to a fancy roman number