
class MobEnchantment(val name: String, affectedMobs: List<EntityType>, conflicts: List<String>, val levels: IntRange = 1..7, val applicable: List<ItemType> = ItemType.melee(), dmgMultiplier: Float = 0.15f) : EnchantmentBase(source)


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constructor(name: String, affectedMobs: List<EntityType>, conflicts: List<String>, levels: IntRange = 1..7, applicable: List<ItemType> = ItemType.melee(), dmgMultiplier: Float = 0.15f)


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open override fun description(level: Int): List<Component>

Provides description for this enchantment

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open fun displayFancy(lore: MutableList<Component>, level: Int)

Adds a fancy display of this enchantment to lore

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open fun displaySimple(level: Int): Component

Construts a simple display of this enchantment

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open override fun special(level: Int): SpecialStatistics

Special stats this enchantment modifies

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open override fun stats(level: Int, player: MacrocosmPlayer?): Statistics

Stats this enchantment modifies


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open override val applicable: List<ItemType>

Items this enchantment can be applicable to

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open override val conflicts: List<Identifier>

IDs of enchantments this enchantment conflicts with

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open override val levels: IntRange

Possible levels that this enchantment may be applicable to

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open override val name: String

Display name of the enchantment