Package-level declarations


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class DeprecatedDelegate(val message: String = "This element is deprecated!")
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typealias NULL = Unit


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inline fun Vector.advanceInstantly(loc: Location, mod: Float, times: Int, fn: (Location) -> Unit)
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inline fun <V> aggregate(times: Int, crossinline generator: () -> V): List<V>
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inline fun <T> allNull(vararg nullables: T?): Boolean
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fun allOf(vararg conditions: Boolean): Boolean
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fun Vector.along(f: Location, times: Int, fn: (Location) -> Unit)
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inline fun <T> anyNull(vararg nullables: T?): Boolean
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fun anyOf(vararg conditions: Boolean): Boolean
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inline fun <K, V> Iterable<K>.associateWithHashed(producer: (K) -> V): HashMap<K, V>
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inline fun <T> blackBox(value: T): T

Hides from the compiler passed value, allowing to avoid certain constant condition warnings when something is not implemented

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inline fun <T> Collection<T>.certain(predicate: (T) -> Boolean, operator: (T) -> Unit)
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fun String.containsAny(vararg possibles: String): Boolean
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fun PlayerInventory.containsAtLeast(item: Identifier, amount: Int): Boolean
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fun createFloatingBlock(loc: Location, item: ItemStack): BlockDisplay
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fun <V> MutableCollection<V>.drain(count: Int): List<V>
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fun <T : Any> T.equalsAny(vararg possible: T): Boolean
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inline fun <T> fromJson(str: String): T?
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operator fun <E> List<E>.get(intRange: IntRange): List<E>
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fun Player.getArmorIds(): List<Identifier>
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fun Player.giveOrDrop(item: ItemStack)
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fun <A> identity(): (A) -> A
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inline fun <T> ignoring(ele: T): (Any?) -> T
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inline fun <T> ignoringProducer(crossinline producer: () -> T): (Any?) -> T
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inline fun <T> Collection<T>.insertWithin(dummy: T, demand: Int): Collection<T>
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infix fun Double.insteadOfNaN(other: Double): Double
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fun Vector.joml(): Vector3f
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inline fun <K, V, O> HashMap<K, V>.mapPaired(fn: (Pair<K, V>) -> O): MutableList<O>
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inline fun <K, V> multimap(): Multimap<K, V>
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fun Transformation.mutate(translation: Vector3f = this.translation, leftRot: Quaternionf = this.leftRotation, scale: Vector3f = this.scale, rightRot: Quaternionf = this.rightRotation): Transformation
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fun nullFn(): () -> Unit
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inline fun <T> Collection<T>.pad(demand: Int, value: T): MutableCollection<T>
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inline fun <T> Collection<T>.padForward(demand: Int, value: T): MutableCollection<T>
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inline fun <T> Collection<T>.padNullsForward(demand: Int): MutableCollection<T?>
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inline fun <T> producer(ele: T): () -> T
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fun PlayerInventory.removeAnySlot(item: Identifier, amount: Int)
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fun renderBar(percentage: Float, notches: Int, from: TextColor, to: TextColor = from, background: TextColor = NamedTextColor.GRAY): String
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inline fun <T> T.repeated(n: Int): Array<T>
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inline fun <R> runCatchingReporting(player: Player? = null, block: () -> R): Result<R>
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inline fun <R> runCatchingWithPlayer(player: Player, block: () -> R): Result<R>
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inline fun runNTimes(times: Long, period: Long, noinline finishCallback: () -> Unit = { }, crossinline runnable: (KSpigotRunnable) -> Unit): KSpigotRunnable
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fun <L : PacketListener, P : Packet<L>> Player.sendPacket(packet: P)
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inline fun <T> serializeBytes(data: T): String
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fun String.stripTags(): @NotNull String
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fun EntityType.summon(location: Location): Entity
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fun threadNoinline(start: Boolean = true, isDaemon: Boolean = false, contextClassLoader: ClassLoader? = null, name: String? = null, priority: Int = -1, block: Thread.() -> Unit): Thread
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fun ticksToTime(ticks: Long): String
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fun todo(message: String = "Not finished yet!"): Nothing
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fun <T> toJson(obj: T): String
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inline fun <T : Enum<T>> ClosedRange<T>.toList(values: () -> Array<out T>): List<T>
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inline fun <T> typetoken(): Type
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inline fun <T> unused(value: T)
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inline fun walkDataResources(vararg path: String, block: (Path) -> Unit)
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val Inventory.emptySlots: Int
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val GSON: Gson
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