Package-level declarations


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data class MaterialDisplay(val material: Material) : RewardDisplay
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interface RewardDisplay
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class RngStatus(var expAccumulated: Double, var selectedRngDrop: Int) : Serializable
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data class SkullDisplay(val skin: String) : RewardDisplay
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abstract class Slayer(val name: String, val item: Material, val secondaryItem: Material, val id: String, val description: String, val difficulties: List<String>, val professionNames: List<String>, val requirementString: String, val requirementCheck: (MacrocosmPlayer) -> Boolean, val validEntities: List<EntityType>, val requiredExp: List<Double>, val tiers: IntRange, val entities: String, val entityKind: String, val rewards: List<SlayerReward>, drops: List<SlayerDrop>) : Listener
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class SlayerAbility(val abilityId: String, val slayerType: SlayerType, val name: String, val description: String, val listenerRegister: SlayerAbility.() -> Unit)
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open class SlayerBase(val type: EntityType, slayer: SlayerType, tier: Int, val experience: Double, stats: Statistics, var mainHand: MacrocosmItem? = null, var offHand: MacrocosmItem? = null, var helmet: MacrocosmItem? = null, var chestplate: MacrocosmItem? = null, var leggings: MacrocosmItem? = null, var boots: MacrocosmItem? = null, disguiseSkin: String? = null, sounds: EntitySoundBank? = null, val rewardingSkill: SkillType = SkillType.COMBAT, actualName: String? = null, val disguiseProfile: WrappedGameProfile? = null) : EntityBase
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class SlayerDisplay(val type: SlayerType, val tier: Int, val collectedExp: Float, val status: SlayerStatus) : RenderComponent
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object SlayerHandlers : Listener
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class SlayerLevel(val level: Int, val overflow: Double, val collectedRewards: List<Int>, val rng: HashMap<SlayerType, RngStatus>) : Serializable
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class SlayerQuest(val type: SlayerType, val tier: Int, val collectedExp: Float, val status: SlayerStatus, val timer: Summary.Timer) : Clone
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data class SlayerReward(val display: RewardDisplay, val rewards: List<Reward>)
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fun costFromTier(tier: Int): Double
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