
open class MacrocosmNPC(val name: String, id: String, profile: WrappedGameProfile, operations: List<NPCOp>, mainHand: MacrocosmItem? = null, offHand: MacrocosmItem? = null, helmet: MacrocosmItem? = null, chestplate: MacrocosmItem? = null, leggings: MacrocosmItem? = null, boots: MacrocosmItem? = null, val isTemporary: Boolean = false) : Identified, AutoRegister<MacrocosmEntity> (source)

A Macrocosm NPC with a player skin


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constructor(name: String, id: String, profile: WrappedGameProfile, operations: List<NPCOp>, mainHand: MacrocosmItem? = null, offHand: MacrocosmItem? = null, helmet: MacrocosmItem? = null, chestplate: MacrocosmItem? = null, leggings: MacrocosmItem? = null, boots: MacrocosmItem? = null, isTemporary: Boolean = false)


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Executes all dialogue operations for this entity

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open override fun register(registry: Registry<MacrocosmEntity>)
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fun summon(at: Location): NPCEntity

Summons this NPC at provided location


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open override val id: Identifier
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val isTemporary: Boolean = false

Whether this NPC should not be saved in LevelDB

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Name of this NPC