Package-level declarations


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interface NPCOp

A global interface for all NPC operations

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data class NPCOpBranch(val condition: (NPCOperationData) -> Boolean, val trueBranch: List<NPCOp>, val falseBranch: List<NPCOp>) : NPCOp

Branches the operation logic into two paths based on predicate result

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data class NPCOperationData(val player: MacrocosmPlayer, val playerPaper: Player, val self: MacrocosmNPC, val selfPaper: Entity)

Context for an NPC dialogue operation

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data class NPCOpExecute(val branch: (NPCOperationData) -> Unit) : NPCOp

Executes provided code

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data class NPCOpGrantGoal(val goal: String) : NPCOp

Grants player a goal

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class NPCOpOpenShop(val id: Identifier) : NPCOp

An operation that opens a shop to player

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data class NPCOpOpenUI(val open: (NPCOperationData) -> GUI<out ForInventory>) : NPCOp

Opens a KSpigot UI for player

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data class NPCOpPlaySound(val sound: Sound, val pitch: Number, val volume: Number) : NPCOp

Plays a sound

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data class NPCOpSay(val message: String) : NPCOp

Says something to player

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data class NPCOpSendMessage(val message: String) : NPCOp

Sends a raw message to player

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data class NPCOpWait(val seconds: Number) : NPCOp

Waits for provided amount of seconds