
class NPCDialogueBuilder(var dialogueElements: MutableList<NPCOp>)(source)


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constructor(dialogueElements: MutableList<NPCOp>)


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class NPCDialogueBranchBuilder(val builder: NPCDialogueBuilder, val predicate: (NPCOperationData) -> Boolean, val trueBranch: MutableList<NPCOp>, val elseBranch: MutableList<NPCOp>)


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Branches dialogue logic based on predicate

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Executes the provided code

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fun goal(goal: String): Boolean

Grants player a goal

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fun lacksGoal(goal: String, grant: Boolean = true): (NPCOperationData) -> Boolean

A predicate to check whether the player has achieved goal. Optionally also grants the goal to player

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fun message(message: String): Boolean

Sends a raw message to player

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fun openUi(uiProvider: (NPCOperationData) -> GUI<out ForInventory>): Boolean

Opens a KSpigot GUI for player

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fun playSound(sound: Sound, pitch: Number = 1, volume: Number = 1): Boolean

Plays a sound at NPC location

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fun say(message: String): Boolean

Says something from the NPC

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fun shop(id: String): Boolean

Opens a shop to player

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fun wait(seconds: Number): Boolean

Waits for certain amount of seconds

fun wait(duration: Duration): Boolean

Waits for certain duration


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