
class BazaarBuyOrder(val item: Identifier, var qty: Int, val pricePer: Double, var bought: Int, val sellers: MutableList<UUID>, val createdBy: UUID, val originalAmount: Int, val createdAt: Long = : BazaarOrder, Serializable, MongoConvert<MongoBazaarOrder> , Comparable<BazaarBuyOrder> (source)

A bazaar BUY order


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constructor(item: Identifier, qty: Int, pricePer: Double, bought: Int, sellers: MutableList<UUID>, createdBy: UUID, originalAmount: Int, createdAt: Long =


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open operator override fun compareTo(other: BazaarBuyOrder): Int


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var bought: Int

Amount of items already bought

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Epoch milliseconds when this order was created

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By whom this order was created

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Item this order belongs to

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open override val mongo: MongoBazaarOrder

Gets MongoDB representation of this object

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Original amount ordered

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Price per single item

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var qty: Int

Quantity of items ordered to buy

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UUIDs of players who sold items to this order

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open override val totalPrice: BigDecimal

Total coins accumulated in this order