
An object useful for running multithreaded asynchronous code


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inline fun contextBoundedRunAsync(name: String = "Worker Thread #", isDaemon: Boolean = false, crossinline runnable: ThreadContext.() -> Unit)

Runs provided task on another thread, with ThreadContext. This should not be used if called lots of times, e.g. in a loop, because creating of numerous ThreadContexts might cause a memory leak, in that case it is recommended to use runAsync, which is more lightweight

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inline fun driftFromMain(crossinline runnable: () -> Unit)

Executes the code on separate thread if Thread.currentThread is the current Minecraft Server thread (MinecraftServer.serverThread), otherwise the code is run on current thread

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Constructs a new cached thread pool, delegating to Executors.newCachedThreadPool

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Constructs a new fixed thread pool, with max amount of active threads at once

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inline fun runAsync(isDaemon: Boolean = false, crossinline runnable: suspend () -> Unit)

Runs provided task on another thread without ThreadContext, which provides better performance.

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fun runEachConcurrently(service: ExecutorService = Executors.newCachedThreadPool(), vararg executors: () -> Unit)

Runs each of the provided executors concurrently


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Amount of threads active at a time