Package-level declarations


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value class Callback(val chain: () -> Unit)
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data class ConditionalCallback(val condition: () -> Boolean)
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data class ConditionalValueCallback<V>(val producer: () -> V?)
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object Debug
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data class DeferredAction<T>(val self: T, val deferred: (T) -> Unit)
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object Ensure

A checker object

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class LazyVarargDelegate<V, O>(varargs: Array<out V>, mapping: (V) -> O)
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class MutableButton<T : ForInventory>(var currentDisplay: ItemStack, val handler: (MutableButton<T>, GUIClickEvent<T>) -> ItemStack) : GUIElement<T>
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class Result
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data class SuspendConditionalCallback(val condition: suspend () -> Boolean)
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class Ticker(val range: IntRange)


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inline fun <T> collect(vararg iters: Iterable<T>): MutableList<T>
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inline fun <T> T.defer(noinline action: T.() -> Unit): DeferredAction<T>
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fun CompoundTag.getId(key: String): Identifier
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fun id(path: String): Identifier
fun id(namespace: String, path: String): Identifier
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inline fun <T : ForInventory> GUIPageBuilder<T>.mutableButton(slot: SingleInventorySlot<out T>, icon: ItemStack, noinline onClick: (MutableButton<T>, GUIClickEvent<T>) -> ItemStack)
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fun CompoundTag.putId(key: String, id: Identifier): Tag?
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fun <V> varargs(argv: Array<out V>): LazyVarargDelegate<V, V>
fun <V, O> varargs(argv: Array<out V>, mapping: (V) -> O): LazyVarargDelegate<V, O>


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val ResourceLocation.macrocosm: Identifier
val NamespacedKey.macrocosm: Identifier