Package-level declarations


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class ShapedRecipe(val id: Identifier, pattern: List<String>, ingredientMap: Map<Char, Pair<Identifier, Int>>, result: MacrocosmItem, amount: Int = 1) : MacrocosmRecipe
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class ShapelessRecipe(val id: Identifier, ingredients: List<Pair<Identifier, Int>>, result: MacrocosmItem, amount: Int) : MacrocosmRecipe


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fun shapedRecipe(id: String, result: MacrocosmItem, amount: Int, matrix: List<String>, vararg ingredients: Pair<Char, Pair<Identifier, Int>>): MacrocosmRecipe
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fun shapelessRecipe(id: String, result: MacrocosmItem, amount: Int, vararg ingredients: Pair<Identifier, Int>): MacrocosmRecipe