Package-level declarations


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open class AbilityItem(val type: ItemType, itemName: String, var rarity: Rarity, val base: Material, var stats: Statistics, abilities: List<RegistryPointer> = listOf(), var specialStats: SpecialStatistics = SpecialStatistics(), var breakingPower: Int = 0, runeTypes: List<RuneSlot> = listOf(), description: String? = null, val id: Identifier? = null, metaModifier: (ItemMeta) -> Unit = { }) : AbstractMacrocosmItem
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abstract class AbstractMacrocosmItem(val id: Identifier, val type: ItemType) : MacrocosmItem
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object Armor
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open class ArmorItem(val baseName: String, val baseId: String, baseMaterial: String, baseRarity: Rarity, baseStats: Statistics =, baseSpecials: SpecialStatistics = SpecialStatistics(), abilities: List<MacrocosmAbility> = listOf(), headMeta: (ItemMeta) -> Unit = { }, chestMeta: (ItemMeta) -> Unit = { }, legsMeta: (ItemMeta) -> Unit = { }, bootMeta: (ItemMeta) -> Unit = { }, commonMeta: (ItemMeta) -> Unit = { }, runes: List<RuneSlot> = listOf(), headSkin: String? = null, bootsName: String = " Boots", legsName: String = " Leggings", chestName: String = " Chestplate", headName: String = " Helmet")
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class ColoredEntityArmor(val base: Material, color: Int) : AbstractMacrocosmItem
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class EnchantedBook(var enchantments: HashMap<Identifier, Int> = hashMapOf()) : AbstractMacrocosmItem
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class EnchantedItem(val base: Material, var rarity: Rarity, baseName: String = "Enchanted ", thisId: String? = null, actualId: String? = null) : AbstractMacrocosmItem
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object Items
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open class KillCountingArmor(val baseName: String, val baseId: String, baseMaterial: String, baseRarity: Rarity, baseStats: Statistics =, baseSpecials: SpecialStatistics = SpecialStatistics(), abilities: List<MacrocosmAbility> = listOf(), headMeta: (ItemMeta) -> Unit = { }, chestMeta: (ItemMeta) -> Unit = { }, legsMeta: (ItemMeta) -> Unit = { }, bootMeta: (ItemMeta) -> Unit = { }, commonMeta: (ItemMeta) -> Unit = { }, runes: List<RuneSlot> = listOf(), headSkin: String? = null) : ArmorItem
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class KillCountingItem(val type: ItemType, itemName: String, var rarity: Rarity, val base: Material, var stats: Statistics, abilities: MutableList<RegistryPointer> = mutableListOf(), var specialStats: SpecialStatistics = SpecialStatistics(), var breakingPower: Int = 0, runeTypes: List<RuneSlot> = listOf(), description: String? = null, metaModifier: (ItemMeta) -> Unit = { }) : AbilityItem, KillStorageItem
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interface KillStorageItem
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class LimitedEditionItem(ty: ItemType, val nameStr: String, var rarity: Rarity, val base: Material, var stats: Statistics, abilities: MutableList<MacrocosmAbility> = mutableListOf(), var specialStats: SpecialStatistics = SpecialStatistics(), var breakingPower: Int = 0, runeTypes: List<RuneSlot> = listOf(), metaModifier: (ItemMeta) -> Unit = { }) : AbilityItem
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class PetItem(val id: Identifier, nameStr: String, headSkin: String, var stored: StoredPet? = null) : AbstractMacrocosmItem
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enum Rarity : Enum<Rarity>
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class RecipeItem(val base: Material, var rarity: Rarity, baseName: String, val headSkin: String? = null, description: String? = null, glow: Boolean = false) : AbstractMacrocosmItem
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class ReforgeStone(reforgeType: Reforge, stoneName: String, var rarity: Rarity, val headSkin: String) : AbstractMacrocosmItem
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open class Shortbow(name: String, var rarity: Rarity, extraAbilities: List<MacrocosmAbility> = listOf(), var stats: Statistics =, specials: SpecialStatistics = SpecialStatistics(), origin: Material = Material.BOW, runes: List<RuneSlot> = listOf()) : AbilityItem
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open class SkullAbilityItem(val type: ItemType, itemName: String, var rarity: Rarity, val skullOwner: String, var stats: Statistics, abilities: MutableList<RegistryPointer> = mutableListOf(), var specialStats: SpecialStatistics = SpecialStatistics(), var breakingPower: Int = 0, runeTypes: List<Identifier> = listOf(), description: String? = null, val id: Identifier = Identifier.macro(itemName.lowercase().replace(" ", "_").replace("'", "")), metaModifier: (ItemMeta) -> Unit = { }) : AbilityItem
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interface ThreePieceArmor
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class VanillaItem(val base: Material, var amount: Int = 1, metaModifier: (ItemMeta) -> Unit = { }) : AbstractMacrocosmItem


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fun coloredArmor(type: Material, color: Int): MacrocosmItem
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fun colorMeta(color: Int): (ItemMeta) -> Unit
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inline fun <V : MacrocosmItem> macrocosmItem(id: Identifier, builder: V.() -> Unit = { }): V
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fun ItemStack.macrocosmTag(): CompoundTag
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val ItemStack.macrocosm: MacrocosmItem?
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