Package-level declarations

Contains the code related to the Macrocosm HTTP API implementation


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Type of permission for an API Key

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Type of api state

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data class InlinedKeyData(val format: APIState, val createdAt: Instant, val permissions: List<APIPermission>, val owner: UUID)

Represents byte-inlined data (previously) stored in the key as base64

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data class KeyData(val key: String, val data: InlinedKeyData)

Macrocosm API Access Key data

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object KeyManager

A global key manage for operations with API Keys


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fun Application.module()

The main configuration of the Macrocosm API, to find more detailed endpoint information view the swagger spec

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Builds up the embedded macrocosm Rest API server using the Netty ktor backend

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suspend fun spinApi(): Deferred<Unit>

Spins up the macrocosm Rest API, basically wrapping serverSpin in coroutine scope


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Represents current API state