Package-level declarations

Contains all the ability related stuff


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Enum used to easily access most simple ability types

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abstract class AbilityBase(val type: AbilityType, val name: String, val description: String, val cost: AbilityCost? = null) : MacrocosmAbility

An abstract wrapper class for the MacrocosmAbility interface, allowing for easier abstraction

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data class AbilityCost(val mana: Int = 0, val health: Int = 0, val cooldown: Number = 0, val summonDifficulty: Int = 0)

Cost of the ability in mana, health and cooldown

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Represents type of the ability, used for lore manipulations only

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abstract class AccessoryAbility(accs: String, val description: String) : AbilityBase
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abstract class EquipmentAbility(val name: String, val description: String) : AbilityBase

An abstract class describing an ability bound to equipment items

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open class FullSetBonus(val name: String, val description: String, val threePiece: Boolean = false) : AbilityBase

A wrapper for abstract AbilityBase, which provides some minor features. Can also be inherited for more abstraction.

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Represents an item ability, that can execute various actions.

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open class TieredSetBonus(val name: String, val description: String) : AbilityBase

Represents a tiered set bonus, that increases buffs based on amount of armor pieces worn